Friday 9 December 2011

Finding it a little bit hard.....

Recently I have found things a little bit harder, I think things started getting on top of and I was feeling like I had to be strong all the time. I felt like people have been through far worse then me and having to deal with alot more then me that it would be selfish to talk about it, and I know i'm extreamly lucky to be where I am as things could be far worse, so sometimes I suppose I felt like I didnt have the right to be upset.
 It's hard as I also just had little problems that I was letting get too me, and they were buliding up and feeling so much worse.
I dont want to go into too much as although im blogging and may be contridicting myself a bit but I dont want everything to be public knowledge and also I know it would be SO boring to read!! .. But I know there are other people who also have alot to deal with, so I hope that this post will let them know its ok to have to cry and talk about things, I did and I feel like my old self again! and i'm looking forward and getting excited about things and feel like im starting to be my old self again!
Talking about your feelings really do help even if you dont always get the answers or know the right thing to do... Just getting everything of your chest makes you feel much more relived!

On a bit more of a brighter note I hope you all have your Christmas decorations up :)
only 16 days till Christmas... I'm still a big kid when it comes to Christmas as I think most are... I have put a few things on my Christmas list! but mostly I like surpises I have asked for my Benifit make up though as that will save me money buying it  :D I think I will be getting mostly money this year which will come in handy to put toward my Australia fund :) Less then 9 weeks to go! it will be one of my deams ticked of my bucket list! :) although it seems my bucket list keeps getting bigger! I think thats a good thing though as in life I dont think you should ever stop dreaming <3

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