Friday 9 December 2011

My beautiful Niece...

This is my Last blog today! I Promise, I have been a bit too blog happy today!
too much time on my hands!
this is just a quick one anyway just to say Congratualtions to my sister Kerry & her partner Robbie for the birth of their beautiful Baby girl Caitlyn!
Cant belive she will be 3 weeks old already on Tuesday! She is beautiful and always good for her Aunty Kay! :)

The Winter Wonderland Ball....

Was a great sucsess! :D Everyone who came said they had such a fun night!
People were up dacning and enjoying themselfs whilst at the same time raising money for a great cause 'The critical care unit at Ipswich Hospital'
I know a few guests who attended had personal experiances with that ward so I am so happy to say that we raised £1,900 for them :)
we also had the privilidge of some of the Critical care team there on the night.
They do amazing work and help alot of familes!
More than 150 people came on the night and myself and the Roteract club cant thank them enough! also need to say a special thank you to everyone who helped out and to the Live performances from Bernadette Ryan and Chelsea Francis who were amazing and got everybody dancing! 
we also got the event in the paper which was lovely to read.
The Roteract club will be holding some more events in the new year so please keep you eye out for them! also will be having a meeting soon to hopfully find more Indviduals who would like to join!

Again thank you for such a special night below are some pictures of the night :)

Finding it a little bit hard.....

Recently I have found things a little bit harder, I think things started getting on top of and I was feeling like I had to be strong all the time. I felt like people have been through far worse then me and having to deal with alot more then me that it would be selfish to talk about it, and I know i'm extreamly lucky to be where I am as things could be far worse, so sometimes I suppose I felt like I didnt have the right to be upset.
 It's hard as I also just had little problems that I was letting get too me, and they were buliding up and feeling so much worse.
I dont want to go into too much as although im blogging and may be contridicting myself a bit but I dont want everything to be public knowledge and also I know it would be SO boring to read!! .. But I know there are other people who also have alot to deal with, so I hope that this post will let them know its ok to have to cry and talk about things, I did and I feel like my old self again! and i'm looking forward and getting excited about things and feel like im starting to be my old self again!
Talking about your feelings really do help even if you dont always get the answers or know the right thing to do... Just getting everything of your chest makes you feel much more relived!

On a bit more of a brighter note I hope you all have your Christmas decorations up :)
only 16 days till Christmas... I'm still a big kid when it comes to Christmas as I think most are... I have put a few things on my Christmas list! but mostly I like surpises I have asked for my Benifit make up though as that will save me money buying it  :D I think I will be getting mostly money this year which will come in handy to put toward my Australia fund :) Less then 9 weeks to go! it will be one of my deams ticked of my bucket list! :) although it seems my bucket list keeps getting bigger! I think thats a good thing though as in life I dont think you should ever stop dreaming <3

A little bit of wisdome

I love little sayings & quoets sometimes they can help us though are hard times, and help us realise that others have also been there....but sometimes they can just simply help us see clearer on a situation that we are in... I saw this on another girls Blog she herself is going through a hard time and is being so incredibly brave, but anyway this little paragraph mad me think and i know alot of people do just settle so i hope if anyone reads this it will help them and inspire them to go further and do more! :)

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.”

Also a saying that is very close to me with what im going through at the moment is
'Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass... But dancing in the rain'
I have recently had it put on my ribs... the picture below isnt the best quality as just had it done also please excuse the orange patchy skin! my spray tan was inthe process of fading! alot of girls will know what I mean! :), but it just means so much to me I wanted it on me so I can keep positve and strong through Cancer.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Keeping up to date!

So as some as you know I was up in London for scans and reciving my test results back...
and I had some AMAZING news!...
... Basically my Scans Show the same as they did 6 months ago, which means the Sarcoma hasnt progressed and my symptoms are staying the same and also havent got any worse!
This means  dont need to go back for another 6 month which will be in April 2012!
I must say I feel so incredible lucky to be able to say i havent had to start treatment yet and to carry on with my life pretty much as normal!... Sometimes it does get fustrating but just got to keep thinking about all the good and positive things! like going to AUSTRALIA!!!!!
It is something i have always wanted to do and I am now finally going for 2 months!
I will of course have to blog about my time over there and the best places I visited!

But anyway I just thought I would do a little update! :D and also share the good news!
Thank you to everyone who has supported me through all this! it means so much!

Remeber keep tuned to my Blog so I can spread the word for the Charity events I do! :)

Much Love <3

Saturday 5 November 2011

Charity work

Ok... so a few of you know I have done a few charity events and im going to start trying to do alot more.
I have Blogged about a few of them to get the word around but unfortunatly havent taken pictures of the night and blogged about how they went, so think this will be one thing  need to start doing!.
I also try and come up with new and fun ideas to raise money.... I'm Curently thinking about a date auction? People will pay a small admission fee on the night and then bid on our actuion People to take out on a date, also have raffle and live music that night also?
What does everyone think about this? please give me feedback would be so helpful :)

The charity gig i did at the grand for cancer reseach went amazing :) We raised more then i though and everyone had a great night!... I would like to say a massive thank you to the Grand who let us hold it there and also the singers Izzy,Barny & Bernadette. Neil and my lovely Boyfriend Craig who helped sell the wrist band on the night and everyone who came to support! :D
Unfourtunatly my counting was a little out i thought we raised £376 but we raised £350... Still an amazing amount! <3

So i will start blogging and putting up pictures from the night! Please keep tuned into my blog to hear about my life and events that will be happening!
Much Love <3

Sunday 2 October 2011

Miss April!

Sooo ICG Launch Night was finaly here last night!
after months of shoots, nights out and pure craziness, we finaly got to see
our portfolios and Calendar picture!
I am so HAPPY with my picture it was the one I wanted! and
I am now Miss April in Ipswich Calendar Girls for 2012!
It's all in aid of charity! and I met some amazing People
all the girls and team were abouslote Beauts!

I fully reccomend for any of you Girls to go for it next year! It is alot of fun and once you see your finished Pictures you feels proud check out the website and apply!:

It also could not have happened without the man himself Bendan Taylor! his work is amazing and diffrent! If you ever want to book a photoshoot I defintaly reccomend him! :!/taylormadeportraits

It was such a great experiance and I wouldnt change it!
I am so lucky I got the chance to be a part of it!
Below are some pictures from my portfolio!