Tuesday 16 August 2011

A little bit Random...

Sooo..... Just looking over my blog, People may be thinking it's just a little bit random!
as you can tell I'm not a professional at this!... I mean half the things on here confuses me!
Just thought I'd explain my blog is a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out there, I do hold some things back as I'm not wanting my  whole life put out over the Internet, Even though I do have Facebook and Twitter so everyone knows everones life stories anyway! but we all like to be a bit nosey!  Anyway back on Track.. some things really do help if I share them!... And also I hope that anyone having to go through what I am can read this and it may help them or just give them a little bit of comfort! :)
Things have been pretty tough the last few weeks! it's been like an emotional roller coaster! to say the least I'm having to go through a few more bumps on top of everything else! I'm trying not to let it take to many smiles of my face! even though we all go through difficult times we have to think in life there are always going to be more of them these ones are just making us stronger and to learn from!... That old saying is very true,'we go through hard times in life to appreciate the good times more'
all the things we go through in our life's are what shape us into who we are!

Saturday 13 August 2011

Just a little something

I saw this on the Internet and just made me smile! :) so thought I would pass it on and Hopfully pass a smile onto those who it relates to!......

you may not be her first, her last or her only. she loved before she may love again. but if she loves you now what else matters? she's not perfect- you arent either and the two of you may not be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her she knows u can break- her heart. So dont hurt her, dont change her, dont analyze and dont expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when shes not there. -- Bob Marley.

Monday 1 August 2011

CLIC Sargent

'Everyday 10 families are told their child has cancer.
With your help CLIC Sargent can offer them all
round support and care.'

CLIC Sargent not only helps Children with Cancer but young Adults aswell...
I want to write about them in my blog, this may not be the most intresting post you will read, But will be the most worth while!

CLIC Sargent has been a godsend to my Family and I they help with so much and provide with so much.
With having to travel up to London alot and staying up there most times up to a week, they provide a Home away from Home, this is a free of charge place you can stay. The home away from home I stay at is called Pauls House it has many bedrooms and room including playrooms, teenage rooms, lounges. all bedrooms have DVD players and tv. also the play rooms have Wii's Playstations and Xbox...  you can never get bored!!!
 The kitchens are fully equipt with evrything you may need. Its just simple things like that, that make this journey just that much easier!
CLIC Sargent offers Social workers who are there all the time for you to talk to and help out with any paperwork, They offer allround support they also give grants to Familes and Hold look good feel good days whilst going through your treatment! Even when your child or young adult is in Hospital for treatment their familys are still aloud to stay in the home away from homes! some people stay there up to a year! It's just one of the amazing things they do to help, but as you can imagine staying in hotels would be so expensive so I feel very lucky that my Family and I have CLIC Sarjent to help us. They are an amazing Charity that do so much!

Please Please take 5 miniutes just to have a look at their website: http://www.clicsargent.org.uk/Aboutus
you can then see the diffrent and amazing things they do! :)
Even though I will never be able to express how much they have helped and continue to help My family and others I would just like to say a massive THANK YOU! :)