Tuesday 16 August 2011

A little bit Random...

Sooo..... Just looking over my blog, People may be thinking it's just a little bit random!
as you can tell I'm not a professional at this!... I mean half the things on here confuses me!
Just thought I'd explain my blog is a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out there, I do hold some things back as I'm not wanting my  whole life put out over the Internet, Even though I do have Facebook and Twitter so everyone knows everones life stories anyway! but we all like to be a bit nosey!  Anyway back on Track.. some things really do help if I share them!... And also I hope that anyone having to go through what I am can read this and it may help them or just give them a little bit of comfort! :)
Things have been pretty tough the last few weeks! it's been like an emotional roller coaster! to say the least I'm having to go through a few more bumps on top of everything else! I'm trying not to let it take to many smiles of my face! even though we all go through difficult times we have to think in life there are always going to be more of them these ones are just making us stronger and to learn from!... That old saying is very true,'we go through hard times in life to appreciate the good times more'
all the things we go through in our life's are what shape us into who we are!

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