Friday 22 July 2011

'You dont know how strong you are untill being strong is the only option you have'

I was thinking the other day of a few things  we have all been guilty off, I know I have been in the past.
How people are so quick to judge and also how we hear someones problem and we brush it aside and say 'try going though what I am'
But we have to try undertsand what is a little problem to us may be a BIG problem to someone else, Afterall were not the one with it on our minds and having to think about it all the time, and thats when something little becomes big when we let it take over us and be the most dominating thing on our mind.
   although yes alot of people have to go through so much harder obsticals in life then some people, I think we just all need to remember and respect that everyone will have problems big and small and just because they may not seem big to us but to that person they are.....
When people say to me 'I dont know how you are being so stong, I wouldn't be'
I think everyone would Surprise themselfs
 'You dont know how strong you are, untill being strong is the only option you have'
I think that is an amazing saying! and its true!... When I first got Diagnosed I felt numb, but the first thing I did was jump up and hug my mum, I needed to know she was ok. I dont think I even cried at first! I think that came a few hours later, but it was only when I had to tell my friends and family, I think that was the hardest part!... I just took the attitude as ok I have this thing but I wouldnt let it define me and I was determind to stay positive.
When I first got told I was going to loose my leg (thank god not happening now,although bittersweet as I found out the reason why because it had already spread to my lung) That was the first time I was Numb with fear I tried to fight back the tears but I couldnt! I couldnt tell anyone at first I was worried about what they would think.. But the next morning I woke up thinking it's only a right leg, whats a right leg when it comes down to  saving your life!.. it was no comparason! so I decided to embrace it.
I feel there is no point in being sad and down, it wont change anything apart from making me feel worse, So the reason why I am staying positive is because it makes everything seem so much easier! and life just seems so much better when doing it with a smile!
     Cancer has pushed me to do the things I want to do, So with some help from some amazing people, Sonia, Simone, Jenny John & Family and many more people They have made is possible for me to travel round Australia when I am better and also has given me a kick up the bum to get back into my studys and really do something I want to do.
I will come out of this Journey with so much more then I went into it with.

Thank you for reading and Much Love <3

The Dawson Sisters

The Dawson Sisters!

I'm Not going to say too much, But just wanted to say a few words how I think these Girls are so Amazing Strong & Beautiful! I think everone who is Blesses to know them will also Agree with <3

Thursday 21 July 2011

A Very Talented Girl

Bernadette Ryan

Bernadette Is not only one of my best friends, but an Amazing talented Artist! there is no end to her talent. She has the beauty, Personality the Voice and also a pretty good dancer!  have had the privilidge of kowing her & her amazing Family and Beautiful Twinny Jennie since I was Four! I think we will be hearing BIG things from Bernadette in the future! So stay Tuned! :)

Also check out her Myspace: 

Lifes Not about waiting for the storm to pass....

..... But learning to dance in the Rain!

Well This is my first post, and I'm not the best at writing.
I have just seen my Friend Ami's Blog and I thought i would try give it ago.

There is a Special Reason Behind the title of this Blog, October 2010  I got diagnosed with
a rare type of Bone cancer Called: Malignant epithelioid haemangioendothelioma
But lets just call it Sarcoma for short!
  Since then it's been a crazy 9 months! (cant belive it's been that long already!)
I live in Felixstowe but having to travel up to London To UCLH for my Consultaions.
I got told I would have to have my right leg amputated above the knee on the 21/12/2010 but
then this was changed as i found out the Cancer had spread to my lung.
  January i was ment to Start my Chemo, I went up for my pre Chemo test where i was a Human Pin Cusion! and also had my pic line Fitted!
 ( a tube goes into your deep vein in your arm and sits on top of your heart for the treatment to go through)
Luckliy the next day it was taken out, I had some good news although the Cancer is in my Right Leg and right Lung it has stopped developing and whilst Im ok within myself and mainly having good days they are putting the Chemo off.

I go back in October for another Body MRI and PT scan, If it has developed or spreaded anywhere else i will have to start my treatment.. But for now  am Enjoying my summer the best i can! :D I will be going on my 3rd Holiday With the Boyfriend, Taking part in the Ipswich Calendar Girls  and having as much fun with my beautiful Friends and Family as Possible!

Without the support of my beautiful Friends and Family i would not be able to stay this strong so to them i send so much love and thank you! <3