Sunday 2 October 2011

Miss April!

Sooo ICG Launch Night was finaly here last night!
after months of shoots, nights out and pure craziness, we finaly got to see
our portfolios and Calendar picture!
I am so HAPPY with my picture it was the one I wanted! and
I am now Miss April in Ipswich Calendar Girls for 2012!
It's all in aid of charity! and I met some amazing People
all the girls and team were abouslote Beauts!

I fully reccomend for any of you Girls to go for it next year! It is alot of fun and once you see your finished Pictures you feels proud check out the website and apply!:

It also could not have happened without the man himself Bendan Taylor! his work is amazing and diffrent! If you ever want to book a photoshoot I defintaly reccomend him! :!/taylormadeportraits

It was such a great experiance and I wouldnt change it!
I am so lucky I got the chance to be a part of it!
Below are some pictures from my portfolio!